‘It is already getting around – at what rate? in what contexts? in spite of what resistances? – that women diffuse themselves according to modalities scarcely compatible with the framework of the ruling symbolics. Which doesn’t happen without causing some turbulence, we might even say whirlwinds, that ought to be reconfinedwithin solid walls of principle, to keep them from spreading to infinity. Otherwise they might even go so far as to disturb that third agency designated as the real – a transgression and confusion of boundaries that it is important to restore to their proper order.’ (Luce Irigaray, ‘The “Mechanics” of Fluids’, This Sex Which Is Not One(Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, [1977], 1985), 106.)
As part of Sexuate Subjects, a three-day conference inspired by the work of Luce Irigaray, and led by Professor Peg Rawes, in December 2010, I organised a one day series of talks, events and exhibits, called Whirlwinds, which included feminist critical spatial practice in in art-architecture, with keynote contributions from Karen Burns and Dorita Hannah; presentations and performances by Ella Finer, PA Skantze & Emily Orley, Sandra Schafer, Leora Farber, Maria O’Connor and Mark Jackson, Taina Riikonon, Steve Loo & Undine Sellbach; participatory sessions curated by FATALE and Taking Place; and an exhibition curated by Ana Araujo and Willem de Bruijn, with works by:
Elaine Angelopoulos, Eforsini
Cherelyn Brearley, The Nesting Instinct: The Making of ‘Home’ and ‘Place’ by Women
Joanne Bristol, Institute for Imaginary Architecture,
Willem de Bruijn, Passages from and through the Whirlwind
Emma Cheatle, Double Blind
Hélène Frichot, She speaks, as she is not one
Sue Gallagher, ‘wake’
Rachel Hurst & Jane Lawrence, Between Us: A fabricated cloak: garments for partners + partnerships
Katica Pendic, scott/castle
Elizabeth Presa,Swirl
Julieanna Preston, No Fixed Seating